DIYs, Crafting, Home Decor
& More!

About Us


Hello everyone,


I'm Carolyn, your Tranquil Mentor. We will be using arts and crafts to help you relax and unwind. I'm a Registerd Nurse with a BSN and want to form a community where I can share my behavioral health and crafting experience.  I'm not alone on this quest, I'm part of a wonderful team.  Our mission is to combine DIYs and crafting with mediation, manifestation or gratefulness as a way to relieve stress and anxiety.  The projects will be posted on our website so you can follow along with our journey to keep a balance between art and emotional well-being.  I'm also an avid camper and when traveling I take my crafts on the road with me! Check out our YouTube channel for crafting, home décor videos, reviews and more.  Our website and blog is constantly evolving and growing. We provide a wide range of DIYs, crafting videos!



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